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Asian chicken

Asian chicken (gluten free) is a simple recipe that is delicious. Full of goodness and antioxidants it has beta carotene which plays a key role in growth, immune function maintenance of our vision and skin. Vitamin C which is the most important anti-ox Continue reading

Fermenting Foods

Fermenting foods is for many reasons it converts carbohydrates into organic compounds such as bacteria, yeast or fungi. It was used to preserve food naturally for longer shelf life examples of this are cheeses, pickled vegetables and wine. Foods that a Continue reading

Constipation In Infants

Infants bowel movement should be between 1.2 to 4 times a day. From 4 years of age it can vary but should be of ease to eliminate. Constipation can be functional or organic, with functional being the most common. Caused by a number of the following, dy Continue reading

Magnesium – The Brain Mineral

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals our bodies need it is essential for our brain, muscle and heart vessels. It is a cofactor for more than 300 enzyme systems that help regulate protein synthesis, blood glucose and blood pressure it also re Continue reading